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Article: 4 Reasons Why Hair Toppers Are Becoming Favorite Of Modern Indian Women

Modern women's choice Diva Divine hair toppers

4 Reasons Why Hair Toppers Are Becoming Favorite Of Modern Indian Women

As the women are becoming more adaptive and confident with hair extensions these days, the extensions themselves are being more innovative and handy in their shape, style, techniques and textures, especially the human hair toppers.

They are easy to use, maintain and handle and that is why hair toppers are becoming massively popular among modern women of India. This blog will put the reasons in the spotlight that are making the hair toppers undoubtedly favorite of the time. So keep scrolling to see.

Hair Toppers: The Definition

 “A piece of hair extension in shape of circular, rectangle or square shape with false hair partition that gets installed on crown are to give you heavy hair coverage at top”

The different hair toppers are then further categorized on their base, textures and whether they are installed through clip-ins, adhesive or sew-ins.

Now let’s focus on the reasons.

1.  Lightweight

Light weight hair toppers for women by Diva Divine

Human Hair Toppers Are So Light You Forget You Wearing Any

The hair toppers unusually cover only half of the head that automatically makes only half the amount of hair to be attached to the base of topper. As only half or almost two-third portion of your full head hair is being loaded off, it makes this hairpiece extremely lightweight to wear.

In recent studies it has been revealed that wearing full head wigs can cause suffocation and headaches. But topper being light weight makes it user friendly.

2.  First Impression Coverage

Natural looking hairline with Diva Divine hair toppers

Heavy Hairline with Hair Toppers

The toppers majorly targeting the crown area or the hairline at the front gives the person full heavy hair impression on installation.

Because if the person has full hair at front, it glimpses the density of hair which can be easily replicated by using hair toppers that are much lighter and cheaper as compared to other full coverage extensions.

3.  Cost Effective

Cost effective hair toppers from Diva Divine

Money Saving Hack: Buy Hair Toppers!

Small piece of hair extension will obviously require a smaller or lesser amount of base fabric/material, less clips or adhesive for installation and even lesser hair.

As all materials are being used less, the hair extension automatically becomes a lot cheaper than the other ones available in the market and still managing to share the similar results. An average human hair topper may cost only 60% or less of a regular full human hair wig.

4.  Looks Natural

Natural hair toppers for women from Diva Divine

So Easy To Wear, So Easy to Blend

If you buy a human hair topper, the hair is identical with your hair. Even if the texture is different you can heat style them to camouflage with your texture to get a seamless look.

Also, as these hair toppers are either made on silicone or monofilament mesh fabric. It looks like that hair has been sprouting out from the scalp like base which makes it more realistic.

Human Hair Toppers By Diva Divine 

Diva divine manufacture human hair toppers that are made of 100% authentically sourced legal human hair and are made on swiss lace base that is flexible and still gives enough space for your scalp to breathe post installation.

The swiss lace allows you to wear the extensions for longer duration without fearing of suffocation and sweat. The extensions are available in different lengths and come with a free partition.

With the help of a free partition, a person can flick and twist their hair in any direction without exposing the extensions. They are easy to heat style and are available at our website and offline stores.

To conclude the women of India have evolved with the time. From breaking the shackles of stereotypes and being their own voice loud and proud. The ladies are now being smart with their decisions be it related to their profession, personal lives and appearances.

The ladies are not now thinking that beauty is the luxury only for riches or celebrities. Today they can have it in the shape of clothes, makeup products and even big heavy hair in the form of extensions and wigs.

And that is why Diva Divine keeps coming up with seamless and easy maintenance hairpieces for Indian women of today.

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