Sure Fire Tips to Prevent Hair Extensions From Falling Out
The prospect of hair extensions falling out can be horrifying and induce chills especially when you’re wearing them for the first time. However, hair extensions do not fall off if installed by a trained professional in a salon(and not by your friend at home). Applying hair extensions on your own won’t work as there are higher chances of them falling out within a few hours. They are not just something that you put on your head and go-you wish! Before moving onto the tips to prevent hair extensions from slipping, it’s important to know the most common reasons why hair extensions slip.
If you are getting chemical treatments like hair coloring or dying done on the installation day, then you’re inviting slippage. Avoid using oil or alcohol based products to prevent excessive product buildup as this could loosen or break tape adhesive in case of tape-in extensions. You will set yourself for disappointment if you call your friend to install them for you as they will most likely slip. So, improper application is the primary reason for extensions falling out. If you have super fine strands and naturally oily scalp, then you’ll have to wisely choose the hair extensions application method as tape extensions won’t last long on oily scalp. In this case you’ll need to replace them more frequently to enjoy having fuller and longer hair.
Now that you’re aware of the reasons as to why extensions fall, we’re here to guide you through some workable tips that can prevent you from facing an embarrassing encounter of them falling out.
Take Head Wash With A Clarifying Shampoo Before Hitting Salon

Clarifying Shampoo Before Hitting Salon
It’s important to know that your hair should not contain oil, conditioner, dry shampoo, hair spray or any other product before you go for extension installation. The reason beyond this condition is pretty clear that there’s no product in your hair that may disturb the bond which will ultimately prevent fall off later. That’s why we recommend applying a clarifying shampoo before your appointment as it removes product or oil build up from your hair and helps strengthen the extension hold with the hair
Make Sure To Choose The Correct Hair Extension For Your Hair Type

Choose The Correct Hair Extension
Hair type is the first thing that affects your hair extension bond with the hair. Ask your technician about which hair extension installation method would best suit your hair type as this will allow you to have better holding extensions. For instance, if you have fine thin hair, you must go for micro rings or nano rings and avoid fusion bonds.
Always Brush Your Extensions Gently And Correctly

Brush Your Extensions Always
It's vital that you know the correct brushing technique even when you’re not wearing extensions. Harsh brushing often results in hair pulling and breakage which you would of course not want to experience. That’s why you should always comb your hair gently and start combing at the ends and work your way upwards to avoid hair snagging. Once you get your extensions done, buy a loop brush as it will not snag and pull at the extensions and ultimately prevent extensions from falling out.
Hold Your Extensions While Brushing

Hold Your Extensions While Brushing
Whenever you brush hair with extensions on, make sure you hold the bonds as you brush to avoid putting pressure on hair. Keep away from aggressive brushing as this is fundamentally important to prevent extensions and hair from breaking. When working round the head, don’t forget to hold small sections of hair where the bonds are present to pull all the tension from brushing.
Hair Extensions Care Routine

Aftercare routine for hair extension installation has a massive impact on their longevity. Using appropriate hair care products is vital to expand the life of your hair extensions. Instead of directly applying conditioners or shampoos to the root area, apply them in your hands first. If you apply oil or shampoo too close to the roots, then you may end up lubricating the bonds and unfortunately causing them to fall out. We recommend you to apply oils or conditioners on the lower part of extensions only.
Treat Wet Hair With Extra Caution

Wet Hair With Extra Caution
You may not know the fact that hair extensions are porous and tend to soak moisture quickly. Your hair extension bonds get heavy when you shampoo them. Not only are they lubricated when wet but also carry extra weight which makes them vulnerable to breakage. Also, overuse of heat styling tools and blow dryers cause severe damage to extensions and lessen their life.
Human Weariness

Human Weariness
Being a supplier we consider it our duty to inform you that the hair extension installation process takes time and mostly needs professional assistance. To provide you with a seamless blend and natural finish, technicians try their best to offer correct installation which is very straining on their hands and arms as well. In case some extensions fall out, it may be due to human fatigue which means some extensions might not have been installed correctly as the others. Therefore, it’s important to take your time out with reassurance and allow some time for the individual fitting your extensions to rest their hands and take a comfort break if they’re not comfortable with heat or piplers.
The Bottom Line
While we uncovered some key tips on how to prevent hair extensions from slipping or falling off, it's equally possible that you could never experience this disheartening moment even once in your entire life. Women who have super thin and fine hair, live today’s fast paced lifestyle or don’t have time to follow a strict after care routine as discussed above are highly likely to face extensions slipping issues once in their lifetime.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding anything or everything related to hair extensions, feel free to contact us to share your hair extension experience with us and we will extend full support to you when you are in our space!